Tuesday, March 22, 2016

FYI: Not sure how this post from a few years ago appeared again. Maybe the Lord wanted to remind me how important friends are. Enjoy!!!

The Lord never ceases to amaze me. I’m in awe of the dear friends He’s given me. Through each of them I’m taught important lessons. Some are so small, almost minute –but miracles nonetheless.

Take last Tuesday; I’m invited to a birthday lunch for a friend who turned the Big 50that day. The funny thing was, I received the email for the party and the sender stated it was a surprise party for me, too (my b-day being 3 days before). Seems she forgot to take my name off the sendee list. (love it, love it, love it). Anyway, I attended the party, had a blast and received lots of wonderful gifts. One being a daily devotional for writers.

For the next three mornings, I read the devotional and each touched my heart, but on January 10th the verse the writer used in her entry stopped me dead in my tracks. “Complete the work you have received in the Lord.” (Colossians 4:17)

WELL, let me see. There’s the novel I keep saying I’m going to get back to. And, there are the stories I want to send to a contest that are still sitting on my desk. If truth be told, I’m not sure what I’ve completed over the past year, but I’ve sure complained along the road of not getting anything done. Do I hear an AMEN!!

Then to drive the point home - another friend sends me an email. At the end of it she tells me her “word from the Lord” which she said was inspired by the ACFW loop Topic of the Week. The word was FINISH. She went on to say she wrote a one line resolution and taped it beside her desk – Purpose to finish well, but above all else FINISH.

Okay, Lord, I get it. I’m going to take both of my friends’ advice and finish the work I’ve received from You. Hey, does anyone want to come along? There’s plenty of room for all of us to finish what we’ve started.

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