Another Stab at Life by Anita Higman is exactly what I needed to take my mind off of the ups and downs in my own LIFE the last couple of months. Thank you, Anita, from the bottom of my heart.
Once again, you've given me (the reader) suspense weaved throughout the story, but this time you added an interesting character I never expected. And as always, you made me chuckle while I immersed myself in the 247 pages of your Heartsong Presents Mysteries. A thoroughly enjoyable read with a surprise ending. What more could I ask for?
Let me tell you a little bit about Another Stab at Life:
Bailey Walker has just lost everything - her family, her job, and her home. She has nowhere except the dilapidated mansion she's just inherited from her granny Minna. Unfortunately, Bailey discovers that the house has a history as shadowy as its hidden passages and finds the neighborhood overflowing with some rather quirky folks-as well as one particularly appealing bachelor.
Bailey feels like she's trapped inside the pages of a Gothic novel but with a comedic twist. In order to honor her grandmother's wishes and stay at Volstead Manor, Bailey must unravel a string of mysteries and secrets, which will seem determined to stay happily ever ________.
Happy reading!!!
PS: For those of you who noticed, I left a blank for you to fill in. To find the answer, go to You better hurry! The first 3 people to email me ( with the answer, will receive Anita Higman's wonderful book.
Anita has such a cool trailer for her book - I was blown away.
I am sooooo bummed, I can't open the trailer and boy could I use another stab at life!
I feel you're pain 'cause I couldn't open it either. The only thing I could do was use my husband's 'puter, and then I got to see the trailer. My laptop is old, hubby's isn't.
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