Wednesday, April 21, 2021


A month ago, hubby was at work and zigged when he was supposed to zag while moving a keg of beer. He said when it happened, “It popped, and I couldn’t put weight on it.” Our plans to leave Arizona came to a screeching halt.
So much for getting on the road the first of April, but there’s good news to report – Ray had an MRI, and the doc assured him therapy would fix his problem. We’ll commence our travels the first week of May.
I don’t know about you, but Ray and I are not fans when our plans change. Do I hear a few “amens” out there? It’s true with all of us – when we’ve made arrangements for XYZ to happen…we don’t want anything or anybody to step in and modify them.
I guess it’s human nature.

While we're here, we're able to enjoy the blooms of AZ. And we're relishing in the miracles the Lord has placed in front of us: 
  1. No surgery for Ray. PT is doing the trick. 
  1. Four people offered us their park models to stay in since temps can reach the high 90s in April/May. Our RV has one A/C unit and gets toasty in the extreme heat of the day. 
  1. Spending extra time with friends who live here year-round, which is always a plus. 
Yes, I guess what I’m saying is we are making lemonade out of lemons. And, we’re cool as cucumbers in our new “home.” Life is good!!!

I’ve finished the first round of edits on my newest novel. WOOHOO!!! The red marks my editors made caused my heart to palpitate, but I repeated to myself while correcting them, “They’ll make my work in progress a masterpiece.” I don’t have a date for publication yet, but I’ll let you know when I do.

Look real close at the above picture. I had to share a strange sighting from a couple of weeks ago. How many times have you ever seen a goat sitting in the front seat of a truck? In my case, never until that day. If you’ve spotted an oddity while on the road, and have a photo, please share it with me.  
Until next time…


Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
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