Wednesday, September 25, 2024


(And $10 well spent!!!)
I snapped the above selfie as we traveled back to Arizona. I believe our Boston Terrier/Jack Russel mix had an attitude that day and was saying, “Really, Mom. I have a window to look out of, and you’re bothering me.” She can be such a brat. HA!!!

If I haven’t told you, I’m not a fan of LITTER. When I see it on the road, I want to pick it up. On this particular day in Coeur d’Alene, I spied a large piece of cardboard lying in the crosswalk as we pulled into the station for gas.

While Ray filled the tank, I watched high schoolers as they came to the convenience store during their lunch hour. One young man carried what looked like the item I’d spotted on our way in. He then disposed of it in the trash can.

I’m almost beside myself and rushed out of the RV to commend him for his act of service. Ray’s still pumping gas, and I asked my hubby, “Do you have $10?” He did, and I went into the store and located the boy.

I tapped him on his shoulder and handed him the money. Then I said, “I saw that you picked up the trash and threw it away.
 Thank you for doing that.” He gave me a huge smile and thanked me for the money. Before I left, I asked him his name. He said, “Justin.”

He made me proud and renewed my faith in the generation coming up. I hope his friends didn’t give him too much trouble because a gray-haired lady (me) accosted him at Maverick. It felt great to ‘pay it forward.’


Here’s another error that I’m glad didn’t make it into the final draft of my book. I scratched my head when I came across it, wondering why my brain and fingers disconnect at times. It does make for a touch of humor when I run into them. And I changed ‘flood’ to ‘floor.’ HA!

In my work in progress, I’m tackling the repetitive words I used in my first draft. Remember, I write by the seat of my pants. OH, MY GOODNESS!!! Here’s a short list of the vocabulary I overuse - think, that, glanced, stared, all words with ‘thing’ in them, and grin. The good news – I’ll be done with the pesky process by mid-week.

I’m getting ready to attend a writer’s conference the end of September. It’s my first one in a long time, and I’m excited. Ray will drop me off at the hotel in Phoenix, and I’m off to fill my brain with writing information. I’d appreciate your prayers.

We spent three weeks in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and it wasn’t enough time to see everything. If you’ve never visited there, make plans to do so. The lake, mountains, and friendly folks will have you questioning why it took you so long to get up there.

The city is not paying me to promote it, but I have to tell you it’s worth seeing. We left our RV up there in storage, so we’re heading back up there in the spring once again.

A few weeks ago, I took Maggie out for her morning stroll. About five minutes into our walk, I discovered I didn’t have a bag with me to pick up her poop. Normally, this would upset me, but not today. My ingenuity came to the rescue and cracked me up.

I searched my pockets for a tissue…anything to help me be a good citizen. I glanced over to Maggie, and she was nosing a chip bag. Hum! That could work. I snatched it up and wondered how I’d get Exhibit A (poop) into Exhibit B (bag) when I needed it.

We walked a little farther, and another piece of trash caught my eye—an empty flip-top cigarette box. Ah hah! A scoop. Maggie did her business, and the ‘scoop’ and chip bag worked without incident. Praise the Lord!!!

I hurried back to the RV and told Ray, “MacGyver doesn’t hold a candle to what I just did.” Then I explained what had happened. We both had a good laugh.


Fall is in the air, so why don't you grab a book (preferably mine) and head to your porch? Pigtails and a Tool Belt (a Romantic Comedy) is ON SALE for .99 cents.

Until next time…

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Monday, August 26, 2024


(Book News, an oops, and a hint)
Most of you know I LOVE sunsets. So, I had to share the photo (see above) that I took at Lindsey Creek Winery outside of Lewiston, Idaho. I may have to use it as a future book cover. We’ll see, but it sure made me praise the Lord for the beauty He created.

As the title says, “We finally moved north.” And we’re enjoying the cooler temperatures with less A/C and more breezes coming in the opened windows. Last night, though, temps called for an extra blanket. I chuckled when we tucked it in, remembering the 100+ we’d left behind a week ago.


As you will see, I’m jumping around this month. I took these photos when we were still in the southern part of Idaho. A lady we met told us, “Oh, you have to go to Silver City. You’ll be on some dirt roads, but they aren’t bad.”

We headed up there and let me tell you – I’m glad we had a 4-wheel drive Jeep because we used it to get there. It’s an old mining town, and people still live there. The two buildings shouted for me to take their picture, so I did.


About a week ago, Ray’s computer acted up. He fixed it and moved on. The next day, I opened mine, and a black screen stared back at me. As a writer, that’s not a happy sight to see. Hubby worked on mine and got it working too.

Unfortunately, it didn’t last, and now I'm the proud owner of a new computer. Some of you might be asking, "Why the
 above photo?" I’m glad you asked. When you replace a 'puter (as I like to call it), it's stressful.

We worked on the project of moving information from one computer to the new one. I got quite flustered. No, on a scale of 1 to 10, I was at 1050. I kept saying to my hubby, “I don’t want to lose anything.”

As excessive amount of tears ran down my cheeks (yes, I was a big baby), Ray assured me that everything had moved to their rightful place and handed me my computer and mouse. I dried my tears and checked out everything. 

This is where the above photo comes into play. After I put my computer away, I decided to call my sister to tell her my woes. I got up and was halfway to the bedroom when I realized I was carrying my mouse, not my phone. I laughed and told Ray, "Please take a picture of me. My readers will get a kick out of it." And I hope you did!

PS: My hero (Ray) won an award for his patience that day, that’s for sure.


If you talk to any writer, they will tell you about boo-boos they’ve made in their manuscripts. Above is one of mine. I thought you’d enjoy seeing it. I’m glad it didn’t make it into the book. And I’d like to know how she talked with a mouthful of toothpaste. HA!!!

After reading this sign, I had to take a picture of it. I can see my character in Book #12 saying this exact thing. Am I dropping a hint of what the book is about? Stayed tuned for more clues in the coming months.

The final bit of writing news…Early Birds Adventures (a 5-book series) is ON SALE for $3.99 through August 31.

And, as always, thank you for reading my books and monthly newsletter!!!

Until next time…

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Wednesday, July 24, 2024



(and some writing news...finally!) 
July is filled to the brim with funnies. As I’ve said before, “Comedy follows us around.” Here’s an example: After dinner a few nights ago, I cleaned up the dishes. For some strange reason, I looked at my Fitbit when I finished, and my heart rate read 127 bpm. WHAT?

Just to let you know, this menial task does not excite me. But I thought I’d get my hubby’s input on the matter. His brilliant observation was, “Didn’t know you could get a workout washing dishes.” I didn’t either. HA!!!


2nd funny:

For those who have read the third book in the Early Birds series (Girly Birds), know that the cover has a funkified VW bus on it. I've told Ray for years that I want one to travel around in. So, when I saw the above pictures, I had to share it.

And since I’m getting older, I hope someday this pup will be parked next to my chair instead of a boring metal one. It would definitely brighten up my day and the lives of others who saw this crazy lady wheeling it around.


Here’s the 3rd and final funny:

Some of you know that July 4th is our anniversary. This year we celebrated forty-three years. Some days, it feels like yesterday, and other times…

Anyway, we ventured out to a couple of wineries to commemorate the day.
First up, the Hoston Winery on Chicken Dinner Road (see above photo - it does exist).

The name cracked us up, and I told Ray, “There has to be a story behind this crazy name.” And when we heard it, I knew I had to share it in my newsletter.

Back in the 1930s, a woman named Laura Lamb invited the governor and his wife to their farm for dinner. Her hope was that she and her husband could convince him to fix their road, which was in poor condition.

Rumor had it this lady was noted for her fried chicken, apple pie, and hot rolls. After dinner and before dessert, she mentioned the road condition to the governor.

The story said that he hemmed hawed around about fixing the road. Laura said, “If you don’t agree, you don’t get a piece of my apple pie.” In turn, he said, “Laura, if you get that road graded and graveled, I’ll see it gets oiled.”

She did her end of the deal, and then called the governor. The next day, they oiled the road. Laura went out to check the mail the next day, and someone had painted “Lamb’s Chicken Dinner Road” on the freshly paved road. They were in bright yellow letters.

Rumor had it that school children chanted the name, and the name stuck.

Side Note: The winery serves a variety of wines. A few are aptly named for the road: Chicken Dinner Red or Chicken Dinner White. And we’re happy to report that no chickens were used in the making of the tasty wine!!!

WRITING NEWS – And it was a long time coming:

I have to admit I’ve been in a writing slump for quite some time. Yes, I’ve shared ideas with you about Book #12, but each has fizzled out for some reason. HOWEVER, I have great news. As of today, I have 38,589 words in my latest book. WOOHOO!!!

This idea has been swimming around in my head for years. The funny thing about it is, I wrote the book’s opening line five years ago and then put it away. Why, I’ll never know, but late last month, I opened the file, and the rest is history.

Here is the short blurb. Please tell me what you think…

Jessica Montgomery inherits her eccentric uncle's land. She's torn. Does she sell and go back to her interior design business? Or does she clean up the junkyard to see if Melvin left her something of value in the clutter? Oh, did she mention a mouse plays a part in the story? Jess hates mice. And the man who is close to stealing her heart is engaged. Can things get any worse? Yes, they can. 

I love all of my books, but this one is becoming one of my favorites. I can’t give you a publication date yet, but I’ll keep you posted.

And as always, thanks for reading my ramblings.

Oh, before I forget, Rekindled for Christmas Eve and An Unexpected Christmas gift are .99 cents each. I hear, if you read a Christmas-themed book during July, the temps around you drops fifteen degrees. Enjoy!!!

Rekindled for Christmas Eve:
An Unexpected Christmas Gift:

Until next time…
Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Tuesday, June 18, 2024



 (My 50th Class Reunion and much more!!!) 
In my May newsletter, I told you we made a stop in Colorado. It also included my 50th Class Reunion in Colorado Springs. How is it possible that I'm that old? 

In reality, I graduated from Herington, Kansas. But at our All-School Reunion last year in our hometown, a bunch of us decided we’d change locales. Shake it up a bit in our old age. Wink! Wink!


Moving on to the reunion, I must admit that I haven’t had so much fun a looooong time. And the turnout was amazing. As you can see, sixteen classmates attended the festivities and braved the COLD on top of Pikes Peak the first morning. Our spouses were busy taking lots of pictures to prove we were there.

After we recovered from the altitude on Pikes Peak, we ate and then ventured to the Garden of the Gods. Our first stop: the Balanced Rock (see above). I bet most of you have the same shot. We drove around the park, showing our friends Bruce and Diane. They’d never seen it before.

I’m sad to say, our 50th Class Reunion came to a close, and we had to say goodbye. A fun time had by all…even the spouses said so. I’m left to wonder where the Class of ’74 will go on their next reunion…


(We included spouses in the farewell photo.)

Below I've included assorted photos on our way through Utah and into Idaho (our final destination for the summer). I hope I don't bore you too much with all the pictures I share, but I say again, “We live in a beautiful country.”


(Me clowning around with a moose in Provo, UT)

(Bridal Falls in Provo, Utah)

(Craters of the Moon in Idaho. WOW!)

(An interesting fact from the
Idaho Potato Museum)

(The amazing Idaho Falls falls)
That's all for now, but please share a photo from one of your class reunions or a special travel pic with me. I'd love to see either or both!!!



God’s Grace in Our Grumbling is a 30-Day Devotional. You will learn the Lord is ready to rescue us from whatever life throws our way. He will give us grace when life causes us to grumble. I hope these stories change your heart, as they did mine.

PS: Next month, I'll share more photos from our travels through Idaho. Aren't you excited?

Until next time…

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

 (OTRA to Colorado) 
“Spring makes me want to sing!” I’m not sure who wrote this quote, but you DO NOT WANT ME TO SING. I’d have lots of subscribers opting out of my newsletter if I included audio of me doing that. HA!!!
As you know, I always have a story to tell you. This one includes an unexpected trip to Colorado. While there, the weather people predicted high winds for the area.

Since they’d had the devastating fires a few years ago, the electric company turned off the gird to over 150,000 people. They didn’t want the chance of sparks from downed powerlines to start other fires.
And where we stayed while in Colorado was in the middle of the outage. And we made the best of the almost two-day shutdown. But as with any power outage – you can count of funnies happening. I’m sure you’ve done some of the same things. HA!!!
1) I put something in the microwave to heat it up. But when I pressed the buttons, it didn’t turn on. I finally realized that nothing was showing on the display. I turned around and Ray and our friends were staring at me. Yes, I’m fun to watch.
2) Someone mentioned later in the day that the Colorado Rockies were playing. Our friend said, “Let me go in and get the clock radio. Then we can listen to the ballgame…NOT!
3) The four of us are avid card players, and the lack of lighting didn’t stop us from playing. We got out candles, lanterns, and anything else that illuminated the area where we played. I thought maybe me and my partner would win under these darkened circumstances, but our losing streak continues.

Tell me a funny story about when the lights went out in your neighborhood…
I mentioned above that we were in Colorado for a while. And before I tell you the reason, I almost feel like I need to write out my hubby’s family tree to make this part clearer.
All I can say is a lot has gone on since my last newsletter. On March 17, our sister-in-law, Diana, passed away. She was married to Ray’s middle brother, Rich. It wasn’t totally unexpected, but it still surprised us.

I do wish everyone could have met Diana then you would understand her sense of humor. Let me give you one example of her funniness:
We were on a girl’s weekend years ago. I’m probably in my mid-twenties. I ran out of money, for whatever reason, and I don’t have my checkbook. On our way down the mountain on I-70, Diana said, “Janetta, I’ll give you $50 if you moon the car that’s coming up on the right.”
For a nanosecond, I considered it. Then I looked over to the person sitting next to me, and it was our mother-in-law. I thanked Diana but declined her offer. I believe souls were saved that day when I didn’t share my wherewithals on a major highway. Thank you, Lord.
I still laugh whenever I remember that story, and I almost shared it at her memorial. But I didn’t. It’s our story. I hope it made you chuckle too. Oh, and I must say—her funeral was one for the record books. Not a dry eye in the house. The tears were from laughing at her antics.
Now, to the second part of why we were in Colorado – Ray’s oldest brother, Jim, passed away on April 1, two weeks and one day after Rich’s wife, Diana, died. Ray and I both said at this point, “You cannot make this stuff up. WOW!!!”
Again, I wish you had met my brother-in-law. Joseph James (Jim) Messmer, Sr. was my biggest cheerleader concerning my books. He loved the Lord and wasn’t afraid to share his faith with those he met.
His funeral fit the man. Tears fell, but everyone in the pews heard the gospel preached that day. My sister-in-law, Donna, sat at a table after the service and told me later, “People came up to me and shared how Jim impacted their lives. Some said they came to know Jesus because of him.”
That’s the testimony I want at the end of my days.
FYI: I didn’t share the above to depress you but to introduce you to two of the best family members God graced me with for over 43 years. Rest in peace Diana and Jim. You will be missed.
And please pray for our family. As we all know, grief is hard. But memories of our loved ones help carry us through. AMEN!!!
Yes, Pigtails and a Tool Belt is ON SALE for .99 cents until May 1. Hurry and get a copy before it’s too late.

And if you missed last month’s newsletter, here it is. STRIKE A POSE -    

Until next time...

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Monday, March 18, 2024


(With friends and surprises!)

As I’m writing this newsletter, I can hear the song, Play That Funky Music White Boy. It’s not on the radio—it’s down at our grill a quarter of a mile from our park model. Glad I love the song because it’s LOUD!!!
What were some of your favorite songs from when you were growing up? (I share mine at the end).

Speaking of growing up. I’m on Facebook three years ago and I saw a post from Bruce (see photo above), who was a classmate of mine. He and his wife were heading to Mesa, Arizona.
I had no idea they came to Arizona in the winter. We got together with them countless times that year and those that followed. Earlier this year, they bought a park model in where we live.
The other lady in the photo is Kathy. She, too, was a classmate of ours. When I talked to her on her b-day this past January, I invited her and her hubby down to Arizona. Lo and behold, they took me up on the offer. WOOHOO!
The three of us got together (with our spouses). We called it a Mini 50th Class Reunion. What makes this so extraordinary is the three of us went through kindergarten to senior year together.
Besides that, Bruce and I can boast that we were in the 1st Baptist Church’s nursery together. And with Kathy and I – our moms were in the same room at the hospital, getting ready to have us. I was born on January 3, and she came on January 4. Still hard to believe!!!
Fun was had by all!!!
I’ll ask you another questions – Do you have a story about a longtime friend from school that you’re still in touch with? If you do, please share it with me. 

Speaking of friends, we met a couple in the park the first year we came here. A few weeks ago, they delivered the above cribbage board to us. It was a Just Because gift. Can I hear some oohs and aahs out there? Derek made this beautiful work of art.
When he handed it to me, he pointed out the dark line on the moose and said, “You just never know what the wood will look like when you cut into it.” Ray and I told him at the same time, “We think it’s perfect.”
Derek, a job well done!


This part may be more geared toward the women in the group, but men, if you’ve had a Glamour Shot done, I’d like to see yours too. This photo was mine from almost thirty years ago.
A friend and I went together to have it done. We had a blast. What we laughed the most at was when she dressed up in a Wonder Woman costume. I wish I could find it and put it on here. HA!!!
Please, if you’ve had a Glamour Shot done and can find the picture, send it to me. I'd love to see it.
I’m over 7,000 words on my WIP (work in progress). YEAH!!! I’m having fun with Miss Bell’s Bounty of Benevolence. Can’t wait to get it into your hands later this year.


March Madness: Instead of naming this section what I did, I should have titled it – Maggie’s Madness. The photo is her NOT waiting patiently for her dinner. Reason for my delay: I was trying to get in some extra steps that day, and she was having none of it. “Mom, bring me my food. Now! HA!!!
Until next time…

PS: My other favorite songs from the 60s and 70s were from the Eagles, the Guess Who, Lobo, Bread, Barry Manilow, and countless others. Yes, our generation had the BEST music.
PSS: If you didn’t see February’s newsletter, here is the link:

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Monday, February 12, 2024


I’m beginning this month’s newsletter with ‘presents’ from me and my fellow Winged Publications authors. Starting February 12 and going through February 16 these books are FREE! FREE! FREE!!! Do you feel the LOVE! Grab yours before it’s too late.

Other Writing News:
I told you last month that I’d share with you what my latest book is all about. Miss Bell’s Bounty of Benevolence is my working title for Book #12.
Friday afternoon, Rebecca Bell Conway retires from working on the light rail in Phoenix. Monday morning, she jumps back on the train with a new mission that the Lord has placed on her heart.
She’s going to show the people she meets on the train that they matter. Follow along with her antics as she gives gifts, plays matchmaker, and fills her new friends with hope that tomorrow will be a brighter day. And who knows – Becky may receive some bountiful blessing of her own.

February Funnies:
I’m teaching my ‘Tell Your Story’ Class again this year. Last week, I introduced myself (as I usually do for the newbies) then recapped what we’d talked about the previous week.
A lady in the front row raised her hand when I finished and said, “I think I’m in the wrong class. I wanted the Memory Class.”
Her statement cracked everyone up, including me. In a short while, we settled down and one of the students stated, “The Memory Class is next week.” Then I added, “You can stay for this one, if you’d like.”

She didn’t and announced as she headed to the door, “I’m an author of eleven books too.” Then she left. I looked at the class and said, “I don’t know how I’m going to top that one.”
I guess I must have done okay. No one else left the class.
You know from past newsletters around this time of year, I have to talk about the Kansas City Chiefs. They made it to the Super Bowl and won over the 49ers Sunday night.

I'll be honest with you; I am a little sad that Brock Purdy's team lost. But I'm glad I had the privilege to watch him share with the world how important his faith in God is. No doubt he will make a return trip (or two) to other Super Bowls. 
Until next time…
Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter: