Thursday, April 22, 2010


BE A PAINTER IN WORDS," says UWEC English professor emerita, poet, and songwriter Peg Lauber. She says poetry should stimulate six senses:

• sight
• hearing
• smell
• touch
• taste
• kinesiology (motion)


• "Sunlight varnishes magnolia branches crimson" (sight)
• "Vacuum cleaner's whir and hum startles my ferret" (hearing)
• "Penguins lumber to their nests" (kinesiology)

Lauber advises her students to produce fresh, striking images ("imaginative"). Be a camera. Make the reader be there with the poet/speaker/narrator.

Yes, professor, as writers we hear this over and over again. We MUST incorporate the senses into our poetry, novels and short stories. This is how we make our words sing!!! Without them, they are simply dribble on a page.

The poem I'm sharing with you today encompasses sight, sound, touch. Enjoy!!


by nettie (4/09)

Christmas morning looms ahead of me. Slumber
is certain to escape my reach. I know it’s down
there. It just has to be. Sleep must have finally
won 'cause the next thing I remember is my sister’s
voice and her knocking on my bedroom door. I jump
out of bed and charge past her and my other siblings,
bounding down the stairs I'm sure my bare feet never
touch a single step. Then I stop. I can't wait another
second. I have to see. I peer through the banister
and there stands my brand new blue Stingray bicycle.
The one I'd wished for, prayed for, begged unmerciful
for. My parents smile as I race over to touch the
special gift they gave me. Thanks Mom and Dad for your
love and making a little girl's dream come true on
Christmas morning 1966.

Love ya,

PS: Tomorrow is another tip to give your poetry a boost.

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