Saturday, November 25, 2006

Only 5 Days To Go!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Sorry it's two days late.

Just to let you know - I'm on the home stretch in writing my novel. Only 5 more days and I'll have over 50,000 words to my credit. A complete start-to-finish novel. WOW!!! Do I hear the trumpets blaring? Do I hear a faint murmur among the angels? No, actually I thinks that's my inner voice whispering, "You're nuts for taking on this task of writing a novel in a month. What were you thinking?"

This morning the voice spoke the loudest. The reason: I didn't write one single word on Thanksgiving or yesterday. I took two days off to spend with my bud. That's right, I put the demands of writing a novel and word count pressure on the back burner. Thursday R and I volunteered at our church making up meals for those in need. When we finished, we took some of the extra dinners to where R works - so those who had to work on Thanksgiving enjoyed a hot turkey dinner. The end of our day we sat around a table covered with a feast. The host and hostess opened their home to those of us who didn't have family in the area. We'd never met the couple before, but made life long friends in just a few hours. Thanks K & J. Friday, instead of writing, R and I went earlybird shopping, enjoyed a midmorning breakfast and then went on a leisurely afternoon stroll. Life doesn't get much better than that.

Today I wrote and whipped my word count into shape. As of 5:00 o'clock on Saturday, November 25, I have 40, 859 words. A mere 9,141 words to go before THE END. I know I'll make it to the finish line, and I'm happy the end is in sight - but on December 1st I'll wake and ponder my next goal. Hey, maybe this year I'll actually edit the book I wrote. What a novel idea!!!!!


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