Wednesday, February 19, 2025



(Cream cheese and a short story)

I'm start February off with a funny: Ray ran to the store for the ingredients for tortilla roll-ups for our football party we’d attend later that day. He came home and showed me the above photo. He reasoned, since the cream cheese needed to soften (sooner than later) for the roll-ups, he'd speed up the process by putting it into his phone holder. And once again, you'll never hear me say that my hubby isn’t resourceful. HA!!!

Oops, I forgot to mention I’m teaching Creative Writing classes again this year. That's me standing in front of my students. For those who are new to my newsletter, in the class I help people get started writing their memoirs (or whatever they’re interested in).
In the first class, I always give the students a list of prompts to help them get started. As an author, I know how hard it is to begin writing anything. A blank screen doesn’t scream, “Fill me with wonderful words.”
Prompts give me the push I need, and I hope they spark an idea with my students, as well.
Here are a few examples:
Write a story about a Class Reunion.
Write about a vacation gone wrong.
What is the most important lesson you learned from a friend?
Most injuries aren’t anything to laugh about. Tell about the funniest way you’ve been injured.
If you’re interested, I can send you the list of prompts. They’re sure to ignite your creative juices. Let me know.
For those who have been around me for a while know it’s impossible for me to not talk about my team going to the Super Bowl. It was anything but SUPER for my Kansas City Chiefs this year (insert sad face). But I have to congratulate the Philadelphia Eagles on an outstanding game. They deserved to win.
I have recovered from their loss, but the half-time show--that will take me a while to recuperate from. I do have a suggestion. Next year, if they have another rapper that they include Closed Caption. It'd help us follow along to know what the artist is singing about.  
And for your viewing pleasure (you’ll have to have Facebook to see it), click on this link - You’ll find the halftime show…but with a different voice dubbed in. It’s quite entertaining.
Pigtails and a Tool Belt is ON SALE the month of February for .99 cents (e-book). Get your copy today! 
And before I go, here is a short story I a few months ago. Hope you enjoy!
As I scramble out of bed in the hotel, I bump into a wall. My nose catches the brunt of it. It’s then I notice the darkness. It fills every inch of the room. I raise my hand in front of my face and can’t see it. “What is going on?”

Panic fills my five-foot-two-inch frame as I reach for the lamp on the side table. But my fingers smash into a cabinet. Confusion seeps in along with the fear. All I want to do is get away from whatever is going on.

I rush to the end of the bed; then, it’s as if the floor gives way. Lurching forward, I face-plant into another hard surface. Feeling around on the wood, I find a knob. I pull on it, and the door opens.

Even though my instinct tells me not to, I reach inside and touch items made of cloth. The urge to scream tries to overtake me, but I clamp my hand over my mouth. “I don’t want to alert anyone until I know where I am.”

But everything is telling me I’m in my RV. But how is it possible? I parked it inside the closed-in garage a week ago in Idaho. I’m in Colorado visiting family, and we’re skiing at Breckinridge. “Linda, is this a joke? Because if it is, it’s not funny.”

My sister didn’t answer, and all I know is I HAVE TO FIND MY PHONE. If this is my camper, it’ll be where I plug it in. I plead with the Lord, “Please, let it be on the counter so I can turn on the flashlight and find out if I’m crazy or not.”

A dozen steps forward, I hit the sink cabinet with my hip. “And to my left is what I’m looking for.” My hand lands on it, and I push the side button. The front screen illuminates, but instead of me on the back of a 3-wheel trike, I’m standing at the foot of the Eifel Tower.

“What is going on?”

I turn on the flashlight and glance around. It’s not my hotel room. It’s my RV. But I see the marred place near the front door, fixed. I move the beam of light behind the TV, and it’s repaired. I open the bathroom door to see a brand-new shower door.

“This has to be a dream, but I’m seeing it with my own eyes. Where am I?”
I return to the living room and garner the courage to open the blind. The brightness makes me blink, and I fall back into my recliner. Its softness envelopes me, and I drift off to sleep.

“Debbie, wake up. I saw you blink. Wake up.”

I try to open my eyes, but they’re like they’re glued shut. Then I hear beeping, and a putrid smell almost makes me throw up. Finally, I open my eyes and say, “Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital. You skied into the side of an RV.” 
Until next time…be kind! 

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy!”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


(Can you guess what this is? See below!) 

(Two birthdays and more stories!)
Welcome, everyone, to 2025. So far, so good on my end. Just so you know, I’m partial to January. It’s my birthday month, and on the twenty-fourth, it’s Early Birds b-day. Nine years ago, Winged Publication published my FIRST book. Praise the Lord and pass the turtle soup.
How about I tell you some little-known facts about my first book:
  • Early Birds is not my first book. Yes, it’s the first one published, but Chords of Love wins the prize for #1. I wrote it seven years before Early Birds. After it came out, I dusted off Chords of Love and published it in March 2017.
  • I have the lyrics to On the Road Again by Willie Nelson in the book. Did you know you need to get the okay to use them in a book? Thankfully, I did. And after I paid Sony a chunk of change, I’m legal to use it.
  • In the summer of 2015, I went to visit my mom and help her make the transition to the nursing home. While I’m there, I’m putting the final touches on Early Birds and asking my mother questions about her life, which I put in a book for my siblings. FYI: They love it.
  • The Lord had been on this book journey, but He showed up big time after EB came out. I’m a newbie and wondered how I’d market it. One day it hit me. I could do a class to help other people tell their stories, just like my mom had shared hers. We contacted RV rallies and libraries (where we’d be traveling), and they loved the idea. These are the same classes I teach in Arizona and wherever we land in the summer. God is amazing!
  • And the final fun fact. Even though I write comedy, and my intention is for people to laugh while reading my books, I want the Lord’s message to ring out from the pages of my books. Here is a review that touched my heart: A really good clean read – I really enjoyed this book and appreciate an author who will write a good Christian book. The story line is about the restoration of marriage and what God can do in your life when you try! You will enjoy the humor as well as the character!

There you have the rest of the story. And before I forget: Early Birds Adventures (5-book series) is ON SALE this month for $1.99. And it has a NEW COVER! I love it! 

I can hear you asking, “Why is there a picture of tortillas in Janetta’s newsletter?” Because what happened with them is too funny not to share. Here’s the story: Ray and I were invited to a party, and the host warned us before we arrived that we’d play some games.
We arrived, and a few minutes later, our host brought out two bags of tortillas. Mike explained it was the latest TikTok sensation called Tortilla Slap. Two people played each round. Each would take a drink of water and hold it in their mouth. Then they’d do the rock, paper, scissors game.
Whoever won that part got to slap the other person with one of the tortillas. The goal was to get the person you were slapping to laugh and spit out the water they still held in their mouth. If they did, you had the victory!
We didn’t participate in the fun, but being a bystander entertained us enough. So, if you’re looking for a fun party game, give this one a try. I guarantee it will bring lots of laughs. You can thank me later. And if you do it, video it and send it to me.
Until next time…

PS: If you've read this far - the top picture is a hand-painted COOKIE. Can you believe it? Friends gave us two, and they were almost too pretty to eat. In the end, we succumbed. They were scrumptious. 

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


(But tons of memories were made!)
First off, I have to tell you our precious pooch, Maggie, is doing so much better. After a visit to the vet and getting medication, she's back to normal. Oh, and chicken and rice helped, as well. Thank you for your prayers. 

It’s almost Christmas, and as you can see from the above photo, Ray and I are rather festive in our holiday t-shirts. We planned to find ugly sweaters on our trip to Goodwill, but when we saw these cute little numbers, we couldn’t resist them.
And while we shopped for our holly-jolly fare, I asked my sweet hubby, “How is it possible that it’s almost Christmas? Where has this year gone? Shouldn’t it be July 4th that we’re celebrating instead?”
Here are the highlights of my (and hubby's) year:
  • The Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl. Will they do it again?
  • I read sixteen books this year. WOW! Top pick: A Million Little Choices by Tamera Alexander – (Hint: the central theme is how the couple handles infidelity).
  • Ray’s cousin in Florida found out that she is cancer-free.
  • Fun time at my 50th Class reunion this summer. Have I really been out of school that long???
  • Losing two family members and three close friends this year has taught me that life is precious. Make the call, visit, or write a note to someone that pops into your head. Tomorrow may be too late.
  • Last but not least, I have to give a SHOUTOUT to you, my faithful newsletter readers. I love the notes you send me. Thank you for being so loyal each and every month.
Wishing you and your family have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year!!!

December bargain – Rekindled for Christmas Eve - .99 cents through Dec. 31st

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11 (KJV)

Until next time...


Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Thursday, November 21, 2024


(And I lived to tell you about it!)
As any of you know, owning a pet is fun and sometimes unpredictable. Right now, Maggie is under the weather. We’re feeding her chicken and rice, but if that formula doesn’t work, we’ll be visiting a vet. Please pray for our precious pooch.

I’m not going to mention how many days until Christmas, but November is zooming by. Since most of us are running around getting ready for Thanksgiving, I’ve decided to make my offering shorter this month.

I wrote “THE END” a few days ago on Mouse in Your Pocket. The last chapter took FOREVER. I’m not complaining because my aim is to give my readers a satisfying ending, but I learned a valuable lesson this time.

Don’t, and I repeat, don’t brainstorm with your hubby (or anyone) when you’ve already written 4000+ words on said chapter. When Ray suggested, “It has to be short and sweet,” those seven words changed how I wanted the story to end.

But don’t worry, the 4000+ words are in an Extra Word file. Maybe I’ll use them in a future book. But for now, I’m editing Mouse in Your Pocket and getting it ready to send to my editors. That’s when I find out if it makes sense.

DECEMBER FUNNY (times two):
Since I was using the word fiancé in my newest book, I wanted to make sure I spelled it right. Off to Google, I went. I spoke the word into my phone, and the next thing I hear is, “Beyonce is an American singer and songwriter…”

No, Google, that is not what I asked for. I chuckled and tried again. This time, I got the answer. And if you’re wondering, the spelling for a man is fiancé, and for a woman, it is fiancée.

On November 7, I jumped completely out of my comfort zone. But it actually started the week before when I saw an ad for an Improv night at a comedy club in our area. For some strange reason, I said, “Sure, why not.”

I clicked to get tickets. However, the closer the date got, I almost chickened out. I even hoped (and I’m kidding) that there’d be riots in the street because of the election results so that we couldn’t go.

There wasn’t (thank You, Lord), and we went. I have to say that seven-and-a-half years in Toastmasters helped me. During the show, the audience would shout out a word to those of us on stage, and we’d take it from there. I appreciated that the person running it said, “Keep it clean.”

Will I do it again? YOU BET. I had a blast. And who doesn’t need to laugh and/or take a trip out of their comfort zone? I didn’t die, and you won’t either. Next time, though, I’ll have Ray snap some pictures of me making a fool of myself.

I’ll end with fruitcake. You either love or hate it. As you can see, our family enjoys them over the holidays. We spied that WinCo had them the other day, so we bought one. That night (see above photo), we devoured a sizeable piece. And two days later, we went back to the store, bought two more, and froze them. I always say, “Be prepared.”

We’re not sure what we’re doing for Thanksgiving this year, but I pray you and your family have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and count your many blessings from 2024!

What is a favorite Thanksgiving tradition of yours?

Another of my books is ON SALE for .99 cents: 


Until next time…

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


(And the story behind the story!)
There’s so much news, I’m not sure my Bootober Newsletter will hold it all. HA! I’ll do my best to fill you in on all the latest happenings.

As I mentioned last month, we’re back in Arizona for the winter. And knowing my hubby, pooch, and myself, we always have a story to tell, especially after we decided to leave our RV up in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Next summer, we'll pick it up and travel around the area again.

About a week before we headed out to Arizona, I suggested we buy a pop-up to tow behind the Jeep. This way we wouldn’t have to stay in hotels on the way down. Ray agreed, and we found one in Missoula, Montana. After getting sleeping bags and other supplies, we hit the road.

1st Night: It took us less than 18 minutes to set up the trailer. We gloated at our achievement since we’d never owned a pop up before. But after settling in for night, we discovered we’d be braving some chilly temps (mid-40s). Seeing our breath had us rethinking our decision. PS: Had to call the seller to ask how to turn on the lights. Who knew there was second switch?

2nd Night: Setting up the trailer that evening took well over an hour. A rather humbling experience to say the least. Pop-ups are a little trickier than just pulling our Winnebago into a spot. Weather was toastier that night. Side Note: KOA put us in tent site. We parked the trailer in the parking spot. Kind of strange.

3rd Night: We were back to a reasonable time of cranking the puppy up. However, when Ray tried to fill the water tank, we had a mini flood under one of the banquette seats. No, we didn’t call the seller again, but a quick clean up told us all was well.


Lake Powell

Horseshoe Bend at sunset

4th and 5th Nights – Page, Arizona: We finally mastered the pop up upper and downer, and you could call us Tom and Terry Tourist while in Page. If you’ve not been there, it’s a must see. And as usual, I’ve attached a few photos for your viewing pleasure (see above).

Chapel of the Holy Cross

6th Night – Sedona, Arizona: Beautiful scenery everywhere we looked. A gorgeous day to see the sites. Our campground almost caused me to spend a night in jail, but we lived through it, and it will be in my next book. Who makes their guests find their spot then go to the office and check in? They did. 

7th Night: We’re in our park model for the season. And the pop up is in storage. There you have the Messmer Adventure in a nutshell. And speaking of nuts – yes, we are!!! And that's the story behind the story!!!

I told you last month that I was going to a writer's conference. It happened, and all I can say is that I met so many nice folks. Even though I have an outgoing personality, I’m a little shy (yes, it’s hard to believe) when I’m put in situation where I don’t know anyone.

But not that weekend. I decided there was no time like the present to be bolder. And it worked. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed something or laughed as hard as I did those two days. If the Lord and I hadn’t had our discussion beforehand, it may have had a different outcome. Sometimes, we have to put ourselves out there and see what happens. It was pure joy!!!

PS: Before Ray dropped me at the conference, we decided to go to breakfast. On the way, he saw the low tire light on the dash. We got there and sure enough, the right rear tire was low. Went and ate and when we came back out—the tire was completely flat.

No worries, we had plenty of time. Ray called for roadside assistance, but then I noticed an Ace Hardware across the parking lot. We went and bought an air compressor and plugs. Thank You, Lord, that I’m married to a mechanic.


Ray aired up the tire, which took a half hour, then he fixed the hole. As you can see by the photo (above) – it was a honking screw that caused the damage. WOW!!!  

I received a 5 STAR review on Pigtails and a Tool Belt. I had to share it. The person said, “I loved the guppy, and that Samantha talked to it.” TOO FUN!!!

And another story behind the story: I’m at a book event and a lady stops by my table. We chatted, and I told her I was writing Pigtails. She asked, “Does it have a pet like your other ones do?” I had to admit that it did not, but a few days later, while writing a scene, the opportunity to add Goose the guppy came up. I don’t know why I picked a fish, but I’m glad this reader approved! PS: It's still ON SALE for .99 cents!!!

Not to tell any of our deep, dark secrets. But we leave laundry to the last minute. Since I was down to two pairs of underwear, I asked Ray, “Do you need me to do laundry? His quick response cracked me up. “No, I’ll just go Al dente.” After I controlled my laugher, I said, “You do know that’s a way you cook pasta? I think you meant ‘commando.’

People, a reality show is going to show up with their cameras one day and film our antic. HA!!!


Waltzing with a Grease Monkey is on sale for .99 cents. Here’s the blurb about the novella:

Penelope Price teaches ballroom dancing. At night, she moonlights as a mechanic alongside her ex-boyfriend, Derek. One day, her two professions collide. Will Harrison waltz into Priceless Dance Studio and steal Penelope’s heart, or will Derek’s wit and wisdom win her back?

Until next time…

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


(And $10 well spent!!!)
I snapped the above selfie as we traveled back to Arizona. I believe our Boston Terrier/Jack Russel mix had an attitude that day and was saying, “Really, Mom. I have a window to look out of, and you’re bothering me.” She can be such a brat. HA!!!

If I haven’t told you, I’m not a fan of LITTER. When I see it on the road, I want to pick it up. On this particular day in Coeur d’Alene, I spied a large piece of cardboard lying in the crosswalk as we pulled into the station for gas.

While Ray filled the tank, I watched high schoolers as they came to the convenience store during their lunch hour. One young man carried what looked like the item I’d spotted on our way in. He then disposed of it in the trash can.

I’m almost beside myself and rushed out of the RV to commend him for his act of service. Ray’s still pumping gas, and I asked my hubby, “Do you have $10?” He did, and I went into the store and located the boy.

I tapped him on his shoulder and handed him the money. Then I said, “I saw that you picked up the trash and threw it away.
 Thank you for doing that.” He gave me a huge smile and thanked me for the money. Before I left, I asked him his name. He said, “Justin.”

He made me proud and renewed my faith in the generation coming up. I hope his friends didn’t give him too much trouble because a gray-haired lady (me) accosted him at Maverick. It felt great to ‘pay it forward.’


Here’s another error that I’m glad didn’t make it into the final draft of my book. I scratched my head when I came across it, wondering why my brain and fingers disconnect at times. It does make for a touch of humor when I run into them. And I changed ‘flood’ to ‘floor.’ HA!

In my work in progress, I’m tackling the repetitive words I used in my first draft. Remember, I write by the seat of my pants. OH, MY GOODNESS!!! Here’s a short list of the vocabulary I overuse - think, that, glanced, stared, all words with ‘thing’ in them, and grin. The good news – I’ll be done with the pesky process by mid-week.

I’m getting ready to attend a writer’s conference the end of September. It’s my first one in a long time, and I’m excited. Ray will drop me off at the hotel in Phoenix, and I’m off to fill my brain with writing information. I’d appreciate your prayers.

We spent three weeks in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and it wasn’t enough time to see everything. If you’ve never visited there, make plans to do so. The lake, mountains, and friendly folks will have you questioning why it took you so long to get up there.

The city is not paying me to promote it, but I have to tell you it’s worth seeing. We left our RV up there in storage, so we’re heading back up there in the spring once again.

A few weeks ago, I took Maggie out for her morning stroll. About five minutes into our walk, I discovered I didn’t have a bag with me to pick up her poop. Normally, this would upset me, but not today. My ingenuity came to the rescue and cracked me up.

I searched my pockets for a tissue…anything to help me be a good citizen. I glanced over to Maggie, and she was nosing a chip bag. Hum! That could work. I snatched it up and wondered how I’d get Exhibit A (poop) into Exhibit B (bag) when I needed it.

We walked a little farther, and another piece of trash caught my eye—an empty flip-top cigarette box. Ah hah! A scoop. Maggie did her business, and the ‘scoop’ and chip bag worked without incident. Praise the Lord!!!

I hurried back to the RV and told Ray, “MacGyver doesn’t hold a candle to what I just did.” Then I explained what had happened. We both had a good laugh.


Fall is in the air, so why don't you grab a book (preferably mine) and head to your porch? Pigtails and a Tool Belt (a Romantic Comedy) is ON SALE for .99 cents.

Until next time…

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter:

Monday, August 26, 2024


(Book News, an oops, and a hint)
Most of you know I LOVE sunsets. So, I had to share the photo (see above) that I took at Lindsey Creek Winery outside of Lewiston, Idaho. I may have to use it as a future book cover. We’ll see, but it sure made me praise the Lord for the beauty He created.

As the title says, “We finally moved north.” And we’re enjoying the cooler temperatures with less A/C and more breezes coming in the opened windows. Last night, though, temps called for an extra blanket. I chuckled when we tucked it in, remembering the 100+ we’d left behind a week ago.


As you will see, I’m jumping around this month. I took these photos when we were still in the southern part of Idaho. A lady we met told us, “Oh, you have to go to Silver City. You’ll be on some dirt roads, but they aren’t bad.”

We headed up there and let me tell you – I’m glad we had a 4-wheel drive Jeep because we used it to get there. It’s an old mining town, and people still live there. The two buildings shouted for me to take their picture, so I did.


About a week ago, Ray’s computer acted up. He fixed it and moved on. The next day, I opened mine, and a black screen stared back at me. As a writer, that’s not a happy sight to see. Hubby worked on mine and got it working too.

Unfortunately, it didn’t last, and now I'm the proud owner of a new computer. Some of you might be asking, "Why the
 above photo?" I’m glad you asked. When you replace a 'puter (as I like to call it), it's stressful.

We worked on the project of moving information from one computer to the new one. I got quite flustered. No, on a scale of 1 to 10, I was at 1050. I kept saying to my hubby, “I don’t want to lose anything.”

As excessive amount of tears ran down my cheeks (yes, I was a big baby), Ray assured me that everything had moved to their rightful place and handed me my computer and mouse. I dried my tears and checked out everything. 

This is where the above photo comes into play. After I put my computer away, I decided to call my sister to tell her my woes. I got up and was halfway to the bedroom when I realized I was carrying my mouse, not my phone. I laughed and told Ray, "Please take a picture of me. My readers will get a kick out of it." And I hope you did!

PS: My hero (Ray) won an award for his patience that day, that’s for sure.


If you talk to any writer, they will tell you about boo-boos they’ve made in their manuscripts. Above is one of mine. I thought you’d enjoy seeing it. I’m glad it didn’t make it into the book. And I’d like to know how she talked with a mouthful of toothpaste. HA!!!

After reading this sign, I had to take a picture of it. I can see my character in Book #12 saying this exact thing. Am I dropping a hint of what the book is about? Stayed tuned for more clues in the coming months.

The final bit of writing news…Early Birds Adventures (a 5-book series) is ON SALE for $3.99 through August 31.

And, as always, thank you for reading my books and monthly newsletter!!!

Until next time…

Janetta Fudge Messmer - Author of Christian Comedy/Romances
“Turning Life Into Comedy”
Website and sign up for the newsletter: